Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Since being Stateside...

Some friends of mine, a family of five, has been living at our home with me for the last month. It "snowed" a few days after they moved in, and we had great fun scraping snow off the ground to make snowballs. We were determined. (I am in grey in the back.) Suzy, the mother, is taking the picture.
This family's home is being repaired after the floor in a good portion of the house was found rotting. I helped clean and move furniture one day.

I got to be in Missouri for my neice, Shaddai's, birthday. On her second birthday was the first day that I ever met her in person. Such a special day!
I stayed with Mom in Florida from when I came back, through the Christmas holidays. My little brother came for Christmas as well. It was just a nice time with family.