Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Traveling is Almost Done for a Bit!

I feel like I am going crazy at times! But not really! I have just been doing a lot of traveling. I am staying in Missouri at the moment and enjoying the relaxing time of being with my brother and his wife. I have recently driven to New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and this last Friday I drove out here to stay until after Christmas. I feel like so much has been accomplished and so many people have been seen and visited with. It also seems as if anywhere I go I run into snow or ice so I have had a good preparation for heading out to North Asia hopefully in February. I am so looking forward to it.
I am headed back to North Carolina on the 27th of December hopefully, and planning to stay there until I leave. There might be a couple of weekend trips up north to say goodbye to friends and family during the month of January. Nothing is set in stone though. So that is all for now!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And Life Continues

I am currently in Texas, enjoying a vacation for a week. This does not happen very often. I am so thankful for a short time to rest, get some sun, catch up on reading, and spend time with friends.

I have enjoyed sharing with people about what I am doing, working at a local restaurant, and preparing to head out for North Asia. I am so thankful that I have been able to stay in good health since my life is very hectic. I have been able to visit with Mom in Florida, see my little brother graduate from college, spend some good time with family, watch support continue to increase, and spend some quality time with friends. I have done some traveling to share about my life and what I plan to do.

So life goes on. I am excited to see where I am headed. My life is never dull!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Back from Colorado

Snow, Ice, and more Snow. Slippery roads, snow pants, and warm coats. I just came back from Colorado where I spent a week enjoying the company of 7 other friends while skiing, ice skating, and hiking. We had a wonderful time hanging out! There were many times when I could not stay on my feet! It was a ton of fun though!