Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Crazy Day!

Wow, what a day! It all started when I kind of agreed the night before to allow the small group that I go out to lunch with on Sundays to come over after the service for a quick lunch and then we would be off to ice skating. I did some cleaning the night before so that they could come to a half clean apartment. (I didn't know if they would be coming over for sure. That part was never agreed upon. :) ) So left I home, met a friend on the way to the service and walked with her. We got there a bit late and just found any seat. Some friends that were sitting behind us told us we might want to move. I asked "why!" She said that she would tell me later, so we stayed where we were. Bordering on a bad idea. The guy that was sitting 2 seats away leaned over and shook my hand, then he proceeded to smell the coats the ladies behind us had laid on the seat next to me. The guy wanted to talk the entire service, and did sometimes just talk in a normal voice while everyone else was listening to the speaker.

After the service I was trying to figure out what was going to happen for lunch. One of the ladies came up to me. I asked her where we were going for lunch. She said, MY PLACE. My thought was, "I have to leave right now to get home and finish cleaning up." One of the ladies said she would take me, so I waited for her to get ready to go. We just kind of stood around, and kept waiting. More people kept talking to us; we found more people to talk to. It was finally decided that if we were going ice skating as was the plan, we needed something quick. So off to the food court we went.

After a quick lunch, where my brain was already tuning out of the language, we started out with 9 people in 2 cars. By the time we arrived at the place we were going we had 7 people. It took so long to get there that 2 people decided not to come.

Then, after skating for almost, our allotted hour, one of the ladies fell and split her chin! There was blood gushing everywhere. It was crazy! We got her off the ice and sitting down. There were no paramedics, just a lady who brought out some cotton and peroxide and tape, to tape the cotton on the wound! We got the cut to stop bleeding and headed for the nearest hospital. It was nuts, because of having to follow each other and loosing each other constantly.

After being refused at one hospital, we went to the next that would only be open at 7pm. It was 5:30pm by this time! We couldn't wait that long. One of the guys called the ambulance. We all just stood in the street while the ambulance arrived, and checked out our friend. They said she needed stitches so would need to go to the hospital. (I saw the gash after cleaning the blood off her chin, back at the rink, and knew it was pretty bad.) We all got in one car by this time, because there were only 4 people left. 2 had gone in the ambulance, and the last had been dropped off at the metro to catch a train out of town. We lost the ambulance on the way to the hospital, so had to find our own way. Our friend got stitched up, and we left to go get something to eat somewhere. We ended up meeting back up, with everyone that we had lost along the way, at this lady's home, for pizza at 8:30pm, and of course fellowshipped the rest of the evening, until 10:30ish.

It cracked me up at how crazy things got, and how everyone just kind of took it in stride. It was also interesting to be along for the ride, and try to keep up. I feel like life here is never boring.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Beautiful out!

It has been a while... In the last 2 months I have been pretty sick with pain in my side and anemia, but I am back on my feet, Thank you, Father! The pain in my side, now, only comes when I overdo it, and as for the anemia, well, I have many doctor's appointments to come, to try to figure that out. Hopefully sometime in the next month I will have that figured out. As for now... it was beautiful out the other night as I walked home... snow falling... not too cold...

I was at a friend's place for fellowship with other brothers and sisters. It was a ton of fun. The only tough part was translating between one of my friends who speaks very little Russian, Jessie, and the others who speak very little English. It was/is good practice for me though.
It is kind of funny... My friends from this group only speak with me in Russian, and I can only speak with Jessie in English, so can you imagine the confusion when my brain is going back and forth between languages constantly!? They also get onto each other when one of them speaks to me in English. They know I am trying to learn Russian so they try to just stick to that. I do love it though. They are such a good group.

I will leave it at that for now. Maybe more later...