Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun Times

I am staying quite busy. We were on our way out of fellowship one Sunday late in the afternoon when the guy that was driving asked where were going to go for lunch. One of the girls asked me if we could meet at my place. After hoping the place was not too messy, I agreed. It was not too much later we all went to my place, made lunch/supper, and played Uno until 8:30pm. Good day!

I also occasionally get to watch the little girl of my coworkers here. She is a cutie!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time with Friends

Enjoying time with friends. I usually hang out with these folks on Tuesday nights and Sundays.

We are just hanging out at an apartment of a friend on a Sunday afternoon. Most of the time it is a day of speaking/listening to Russian from 10am to 6pm. Long day, but good fellowship!

Having a girl's night out with Katrina. Shopping, then watching a movie over tea and cookies! So fun and relaxing! And trying only to speak English until the language helper calls and needs a problem solved. Still relaxing, because she is able to understand when I make mistakes.