To start with... Mom caught this expression from me while I was talking to a friend just the other day. My friend had sent me a box of wool socks from the States and it never arrived to me in Moscow. She sent it in November. When I left the country the end of last month I still had not seen it. She called the other day and told me that it was JUST returned to her, the contents in a plastic bag! I guess the box was so dilapidated that the post office did not think it was worth saving. At least the socks were not lost!
So... since I last wrote... I have had surgery. The day after I was given the "all-clear", mom wrote to tell me she was just told she has cancer again. Wow, "what is Father doing", was my thought. I know He has it all under control, but sometimes things just don't make a whole lot of sense to me. I decided, after going on my knees many times and Mom unofficially asking, to go back to be with her. So that is where I am at at the moment, spending a lot of good time with her, and helping her after her surgery to recuperate. I am the driver in the family at the moment and probably will continue to be until I leave as she is not allowed to. I am also the cook, housekeeper, and sometimes secretary. Oh and I am keeping up with language lessons a couple of times a week. So, yes, I am somewhat busy. Here are a few pics of life before I left Moscow.
Hanging out with a group of friends for Julie's birthday party. This is a typical crowd at out place. So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.